Saturday, October 24, 2015

Friday 10/23/15

Happy Friday class! Hope you guys had very productive days while I've been away. If you guys have been keeping up with the assignments and homework, it should be a relatively easy day for you!

Have a great day and weekend! See you guys on Monday! :)


Task 1: Go over the HW pg. 6 (Please ask questions if you do not understand something).
Task 2: CW (&HW if they don’t finish) pg. 30

HW: Finish ANY of the homework you haven’t finished!

*if you finish early you may have quiet time on your chromebook. You may listen to music ONLY if you have earphones.


Task 1: If you haven't VOTED yet for the experiment you'd like to do in class, please take a moment to do so by visiting THURSDAY's blog and clicking on YOUR period's link.

Task 2: If you haven’t finished your poster about an experiment someone else presented, please finish it by the end of the period. *If you don't have a Chromebook, you could've started it yesterday on paper.

Task 3: Green workbook pg. 63-68

**If you finish early, you may have some quiet free time on your chromebooks, not phones!

You may listen to music only if you have earphones. If it's becoming a distraction for you or others the sub the right to tell you to turn it off and you lose that privilege.

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